Adidas Parley Ultra Boost Recycled Plastic Shoes

I found a pair of shoes made from recycled plastic. The Adidas Parley Ultra Boost. | For Animals For Earth

Have you thought about recycled plastic for your shoes?  I’m super excited about my Adidas Parley Ultra Boost shoes. They’re cute, comfy, and good for the earth. Shopping for shoes is a tough one.  There’s so much that goes into the choice.  Comfort, style, price, walkability, leather, plastic, who made them…  The list goes on forever.

Simple idea: buy shoes made from conscious materials

I found a pair of shoes made from recycled plastic. The Adidas Parley Ultra Boost. | For Animals For Earth

I’ve been looking for vegan shoes for about a year now, when I was shopping for heels in the Spring, and sneakers in the Summer.  I’m one of those people who wears shoes for years – I mean YEARS…  Almost all of my high heels are from post college (when I wore heels EVERYWHERE and did not have two kids in tow) and let’s just say, I’m now 40… so years.

Anyway, comfy, quality shoes are important to me.  The sole fell off of my sneakers in June, and I had no choice but to look for something to cover my foot.  But shoe shopping has become stressful.  I don’t want to buy anything with leather (nearly impossible) and plastic shoes are usually uncomfortable and will sit in a landfill forever once I’ve worn them.  So what to do?

I found a pair of shoes made from recycled plastic. The Adidas Parley Ultra Boost. | For Animals For Earth

My new motto as you know, is “just try your best”.  So I began the search and was pretty pumped when I saw these Adidas Parley Ultra Boost shoes.  They’re not classified as vegan, but they have a lot going for them.  An Adidas shoe, so I knew that it would be of a minimum quality and good for my foot.

Parley is a think tank / collaborative project designed to save the oceans.  They have a lot of cool stuff going on that you can read about.  One thing that Parley organizations do is collect plastic from the oceans.  They break it down and turn it into thread that is then used instead of virgin plastic to make products.

Hence, the Adidas x Parley Ultra Boost shoe!

I found a pair of shoes made from recycled plastic. The Adidas Parley Ultra Boost. | For Animals For Earth

The available styles are all slightly different.  The pair I bought can be tied and untied.  But I just leave mine tied and pull them on and off for quick access.  They’re soft and form to my foot, but the tongue and heel come up high enough to give my ankle support.  The sole is thick, and I’ve been able to walk around in them for hours without my feet hurting.

Let me know if you check them out!

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