Maho joins me to talk about animal protection in Japan. Maho and I met in 2011 after the earthquake and tsunami, when we were working to help some local rescue groups there. Maho continued on to become an amazing warrior for farm animals, especially the egg laying hen, who she works hard now to free from confinement with The Humane League Japan.
Maho meets with corporations to influence them to pledge to go cage free. She also works with egg producers to influence them to produce more cage free eggs, to provide to the market.
3 Simple Ideas To Make a Difference:
1. THINK ABOUT OUR FOOD. Trace it back to its root. Where is it coming from and if it is meat or eggs, how were the animals raised, kept, and slaughtered? Make changes to clean up what we eat.
2. JOIN THE FAST ACTION NETWORK. This is an easy way to connect to other animal advocates and get started in lobbying for change. Link here.
3. DONATE & SUPPORT THE HUMANE LEAGUE. Follow, like, share and donate to support the important work that The Humane League is doing in Japan and around the world.
About eggs:
The Difference Between Cage Free, Free Range & Pasture Raised:
The Life of An Egg Laying Hen:
Battery Cages:
Enriched cages:
Important Links:
Open Wing Alliance: one goal and common mission to end the abuse of chickens worldwide –
Fast Action Network: an easy way to become a digital activist –
Komeda Is: vegan coffee shop in Tokyo that Maho mentions – Plant Based Cafe Komeda Is
This is Maaku & Napoleon:
Maho mentions the dog I adopted after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and I promised a picture in the show notes ;-). This is Maaku. He is still alive and strong living with us here in Los Angeles. He was rescued out of the closed off nuclear zone about 6 months after the earthquake. Maho rescued Napoleon, who was a senior pup who had been living at the shelter for a long time. Napo has since crossed the rainbow bridge, but both boys brought us tremendous love and joy.

Maho joined The Humane League in 2017, and has worked for them helping layer hens since. She has been in the animal advocacy world for a long time and volunteered in Animal Walk Tokyo with Brandy. She studied Animal Policies and Advocacy at The Humane Society University graduate school.
The Humane League Japan, as the Japan operation of The Humane League, exists to end the abuse of animals raised for food. In Japan, they focus on the layer hen, and are working to eliminate cage confinement in egg production.
Support Maho & The Humane League:
The best way to reach Maho is via email.
Additional Websites by Country: The Humane League USA, The Humane League UK, The Humane League Mexico
Instagram: @HumaneLeagueJapan
Facebook: @HumaneLeagueJapan
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