I had an enlightening conversation with Pei Su, the author of “Life of Pei: The Battle for Compassion.” This episode…
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Wildlife in Tourism with Melissa Matlow

As many as 550,000 animals are suffering in wildlife tourism worldwide. Many are in captive situations and forced to perform...
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Climate Anxiety: How to Cope with Ame Vanorio

Climate Anxiety is talked about so little that I couldn't even find a definition in online dictionaries! Yet, millions of...
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Are Zoos Ethical? with Rob Laidlaw

Are zoos ethical? We'll help you find that answer for yourself in today's interview. As imagined, it's not a simple...
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A Consumer’s Guide to Reducing Pollution

A surprising amount of pollution begins within our own homes. From the cars we drive to the household and personal...
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Animal Welfare Law & The Eats Act with Gabriel Wildgen

Animal welfare law is a deep rabbit hole with many moving parts. Gabriel Wildgen, Director of Public Policy for The...
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How to Avoid Burnout with Annemarie Sampson, Siham Omer & Lindsey Biondo

How to avoid burnout... this is the million-dollar question for so many of us, right? We want to help animals...
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Ways We May Be Promoting Anti-Blackness in Sustainability, with Reketta Peterson

Reketta Peterson joins me from Fairbanks, Alaska to talk about how we may be promoting anti-blackness in sustainability, without even...
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COP26 Climate Summit: What Can We Do?

COP26 Climate Summit... have you heard this set of words left and right for the past few weeks? There's a...
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What to Do with an Old T-shirt – 8 Ideas to Keep it from the Landfill

Wondering what to do with an old t-shirt? It's not straightforward, is it? We know that if we donate it...