Pet Evacuation and Disaster Relief with Dave Crawford

Pet evacuation and disaster relief are topics that are near and dear to my heart.  The new Pet Help and Rescue App (PHaR) is an answer to many of our prayers.  It is going to change the face of planning for animals in disasters, something that is often forgotten when these things happen.

App co-founder Dave Crawford lived through the Marshall Wildfire in 2021, but his home and an estimated 1,000 neighboring pets did not.  He went door to door looking for animals and was able to save one dog, Chief (shown in the picture below).  Following the fire, Dave joined fellow animal lovers in coming up with a plan to save animals in future disasters.  Through generous funding and many many hours of hard work, they dreamed up this new neighborhood planning app for pet evacuation and disaster relief.

How Do You Use the Pet Help and Rescue App?

5 Simple Steps to Prepare:

1. DOWNLOAD THE APP.  The app can be downloaded in our respective app stores under “Pet Help and Rescue”.

2. COORDINATE WITH NEIGHBORS.  The app is designed to be set up by neighbors in neighborhoods, putting together a pet evacuation and disaster relief plan specific to that area.  Use neighborhood discussion boards, chat groups, or your local block to set up your plan.

3. SHARE & SPREAD THE WORD.  This app is brand new.  Please tell all of your friends and share on your various social media channels.  Your sharing will save a life.  Thank you!

4. MAKE SURE HOME & POSSESSIONS ARE ADEQUATELY INSURED.  Do this research now to make sure that everything is in place.

5. KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING WITH YOU.  Designate a bag or box with your most important items.  Create a plan for what you will grab and what fits in your car quickly.  Decide on a meeting place with your family and friends.

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Closed captioning transcript included in video.  Subscribe on YouTube.

About Dave Crawford:

Animal emergency app, Animal Help Now, provides 24 hour wildlife rescue near me with humane wildlife rehabilitators and veterinarians. Interview with David Crawford of Animal Help Now.

Dave has been advocating for animals since the late 1980s. He has a B.S. in Computer Science and Mass Communication and guides the organization, develops external relationships and collaborations, fundraises, and works closely with staff and volunteers. Dave also founded and for many years directed Rocky Mountain Animal Defense – a regional animal rights organization that strengthened Colorado’s anti-cruelty legislation, produced the country’s first video exposing the inherent cruelty of factory farmed egg production, worked with the citizens of Estes Park to stop a multinational corporation from building a zoo at the east entrance to the Rocky Mountain National Park, and exposed the Nalge-Nunc corporation (makers of Nalgene water bottles) for their role in developing inhumane restraining devices used in animal testing.

About Pet Help and Rescue:

Pet Help and Rescue (PHaR) is a free app designed to help nearby neighbors evacuate imperiled companion animals when disasters strike. PHaR users can connect with their neighbors (“trusted contacts”) to quickly, easily and effectively request assistance with animals during disasters.  Learn about the app’s origin here.

PHaR also makes it easy to get help in non-emergency situations – such as a delayed plane, a flat tire, a trip to urgent care, and any number of other times when a person unexpectedly cannot make it home to feed the cats or let the dogs out.

Connect with Dave & Pet Help and Rescue:

The best way to connect with Dave is email:

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The free Pet Help and Rescue App can save your loved ones. Plan ahead for your pet's evacuation in disasters. Episode 77 of the For Animals For Earth Show
3 steps to keep your pets safe in natural disasters. Pet evacuation and disaster relief with the Pet Help and Rescue App. Episode 77 of the For Animals For Earth Show
Pet Help & Rescue App. An app for pet evacuation during disasters. Episode 77 of the For Animals For Earth Show with Dave Crawford

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