Azizi Birkeland joined me from Bali, Indonesia to talk about Tiny Green Chef, her business designed to teach plant based cooking with kids.
Although Tiny Green Chef is definitely about teaching kids to cook, it’s far more than that. It’s a lifestyle and a philosophy about connecting to family, knowing who we are, and embracing personal preference, even as a young child.
She highlights things such as using the word “preferential” instead of “picky”. Or allowing kids to substitute items in a recipe that may match their texture and flavor preference rather than ours, while still being healthy.
In this interview, Azizi shares a ton of great tips for connecting to our children in cooking, but also in life in general. Her daughter actually asked her to create this course! That tells you something about how well her philosophy works. Enjoy! And let me know if you sign up for Tiny Green Chef.
Closed captioning transcript included in video. Subscribe on YouTube.
5 Simple Ideas To Make a Difference:
1. EAT MORE PLANTS. There are many ideas for how to do this: choose one meal a day to eat plant-based, or one day a week, or try switching out a snack tomorrow. Choose an apple, or banana, even broccoli or peas rather than beef jerky, chips, trail mix or a granola bar.
2. START A FAMILY MEETING. Choose one time per week, or every other week, to check in as a family. Keep the time consistent (no matter what) and put away phones and computers. Spend time giving each person the mic, allowing them to share what’s happening in their life and what’s coming up.
3. STOCK ONLY HEALTHY OPTIONS IN THE HOUSE, AND LET CHILDREN CHOOSE. Children have their own preferences, just as we do as adults. By giving them the freedom to substitute for foods that they enjoy, they can like what they’re eating, while we automatically know that it’s healthy.
4. REFER TO EATING MEAT AS EATING ANIMALS. Although it’s only the change of a word, it calls out the truth and helps us connect more to what’s on our plate. This connection helps us to continue to consciously see our place in the ecosystem and builds awareness of the impact that we have.
5. TRY TINY GREEN CHEF WITH KIDS IN OUR LIVES. Try out plant based cooking with kids for yourself. This course is very affordable and filled with so may incredible lessons that will make your kids love cooking and actually enjoy fruits and vegetables.
About Azizi:

Azizi Birkeland is a Transformational Health & Wellness Coach devoted to helping individuals and families who feel disconnected and unfulfilled. She helps them become skillful in positively identifying their holistic health needs, to unleash their full potential from a healthy mind-body connection.
A big part of Azizi’s life involves helping individuals process the personal detrimental effects of being attached to labels and societal pressures, that aren’t rooted in their true self. She helps them detach from it with compassion and a renewed purpose. She says, “when we have learned how to interpret our own needs, and use information accordingly, we can take full accountability for our place in the world.”
The best way to reach Azizi is by email:
Instagram: @TinyGreenChef or @LivinHerWild
Facebook: @TinyGreenChef
Purchase Tiny Green Chef Course:
You’ll find everything you need at I seriously cannot recommend this course enough! Azizi and her daughters take you through literally EVERYTHING that you would want to teach your child about plant based cooking.
Throughout the course, they’ll gain confidence in the kitchen, literally as tiny green chefs. They’ll know how to bring foods together and make substitutions. You’ll instill long term eating habits that will give them a vibrant future. And you’ll likely solve any difficulties that you’re facing on the healthy eating front with them right now. Seriously, check it out!
As a note, I first met Azizi at the Plant Power Summit by Love the Green Life. Check out that organization and maybe join us for next year’s summit!
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