For Animals. For Earth. Show

Hi there, I’m Brandy, and I interview creators and activists in all corners of the world who make a difference for animals and the earth in their daily lives. Each episode has simple, actionable takeaways that we can all do to make a difference. I look forward to joining forces with you and making a difference together. Welcome to the show!

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Season Seven.

Square photo of one chicken, grayish/white colored feathers, red face. Episode 87 of the For Animals. For Earth. show "Animal Advocacy in Africa" with Aurelia Adhiambo, Open Wing Alliance, Africa Lead,
Episode 86 - Animal Kingdom Foundation's Heidi Marquez-Caguioa chats about animal welfare in the Philippines, fighting the dog meat trade & helping farm animals.
Maho Uehara, AWCP, discusses Japan animal advocacy in episode 85 of the For Animals. For Earth. show

Season Six.

Help Me Plan Season 7. Episode 84 is a quick update with me.
Episode 83: Life of Pei: The Battle for Compassion with Pei Su of ACTAsia
Episode 82: Wildlife in Tourism with Melissa Matlow of World Animal Protection
Dr. Lori Marino is famous for her work on sentience in animals. She's a neuroscientist, expert in animal behavior, and incredible advocate. She joins me in episode 81 of the For Animals. For Earth. Show.
The Fair & Fowl Ranking Report for the Global Travel Industry was recently released. Hear about the "good eggs" and the "bad eggs".
Experiencing climate anxiety? Join me for this chat with Ame Vanorio, creator of the new Climate Anxiety Journal & Workbook.
Are zoos ethical? We’ll help you find that answer for yourself in today’s interview. As imagined, it’s not a simple yes or no. Episode 78 of the For Animals. For Earth. Show
Pet evacuation and disaster relief is going to change with the new Pet Help and Rescue App (PHaR). It's an answer to many of our prayers.
Animal emergency app, Animal Help Now, provides 24 hour wildlife rescue near me with humane wildlife rehabilitators and veterinarians. Interview with Dave Crawford in episode 76 of the For Animals. For Earth. Show.
Gabriel Wildgen, of The Humane League, helps us understand the EATS Act, the 2023 Farm Bill, and other important discussions happening now in animal welfare law. Episode 75 of the For Animals. For Earth. Show.
Cassava & Community - Episode 74 - Oluwakemi is changing the face of sustainability in her Nigerian community with cassava and kindness, and she's looking for support.
Dr. Vicky Bond, president of The Humane League, walks us through the truth about eggs and life for egg-laying hens.
Thumbnail for episode 72 of the For Animals. For Earth. Show. Blue sky with beautiful brown cliffs. Title of episode and photo of host.

Season Five.

How to avoid burnout? Five tips from a panel discussion with honest women who have sustainability focused businesses. Siham Omer, Lindsey Biondo, Annemarie Sampson and Brandy Heyde Montague on the For Animals For Earth Show, episode 71.
Captain Amado Watson's tour company, Caye Caulker Reef Friendly Tours, is very different from the average company you’ll find in Belize ecotourism. Learn more in Episode 70 of the For Animals For Earth show.
For Animals. For Earth. show with Brandy Heyde Montague

Season Four.

Quick Update: Applying for School & Writing a Course - episode 67
Tis' the season for gift-giving, and I've come up with 5 DIY minimalist gift ideas for your earth and animal-loving friends.
Ulara Nakagawa of Elephants in Japan teaches us about elephants in captivity, especially when they are alone, and how to help them, in episode 65 of the For Animals. For Earth. show.
COP26 climate summit... have you heard this set of words left and right for the past few weeks? There’s a good reason why.
Jess Taylor and Natalie Ringeis of Love the Green Life Org taught me about building a certified wildlife habitat in our own backyard today! It's really simple, and we give you all of the details you need.
What should we look for in hotels to embrace sustainable tourism? I chat with Hans Pfister of Cayuga Collection about what they do differently to be more sustainable in the luxury hotel industry. Episodes 60 and 61 of the For Animals. For Earth. podcast.
What should we look for in hotels to embrace sustainable tourism? I chat with Hans Pfister of Cayuga Collection about what they do differently to be more sustainable in the luxury hotel industry. Episodes 60 and 61 of the For Animals. For Earth. podcast.
Wondering what to do with an old t-shirt?  It's not straightforward, is it? If we donate it to Goodwill, it's likely to go to the landfill. And if we pass it on, it may end up there as well. I've put together 8 unique ideas to fix or repurpose that old t-shirt into something new. Episode 59 of the For Animals. For Earth. show
Lesley-Anne walks us through her easy tips for starting a sustainable closet and encourages us to bring the fun back into fashion in episode 58 of the For Animals. For Earth. podcast.
Sustainable product marketplaces for the conscious shopper, on the For Animals. For Earth. podcast
Did you know that fur farms are not only operating, but are alive and thriving in the United States? Nicole from Pawsitive Beginnings saves foxes from fur farms and joined me on the For Animals. For Earth. show to tell us how we can help.
As an empath I feel the pain of animals deeply. Here are 4 natural remedies for anxiety and panic attacks that I pull from in my daily life. For Animals. For Earth. podcast
Azizi Birkeland joined me from Bali, Indonesia to talk about Tiny Green Chef, her business designed to teach plant based cooking with kids. Episode 46 for the For Animals. For Earth. podcast
Why should we care about the environment? Three statistics to keep top of mind for conversation.

Season Three.

Season 3 Recap of the For Animals For Earth Podcast with Brandy Heyde Montague
Dr. Vatsala Sperling walks me through how ayurvedic eating cleanses our body and gives us radiance, vitality and energy as we approach life. Episodes 50 and 51 of the For Animals. For Earth. podcast.
Dr. Vatsala Sperling walks me through how ayurvedic eating cleanses our body and gives us radiance, vitality and energy as we approach life. Episodes 50 and 51 of the For Animals. For Earth. podcast.
Looking for easy places to sign petitions for animals? Try this roundup of my top 6 animal welfare and conservation petition aggregators. Episode 49, For Animals. For Earth. podcast
Tom, executive producer at Kibble Creative, tells me about the animal welfare movies, videos, and short films he makes to help animals in episode 48.
Tired of looking for conscious makeup brands? Feel free to take a shortcut and just copy mine! Here’s a list of everything I use, with links directly to each item. Enjoy!
Lindsey Biondo joins me to talk about her new sustainable slow fashion line called Violet Revolt. Each piece is hand sewn, on certified organic plant fabrics that have been naturally dyed. A portion of proceeds goes to help Wildlife Conservation.
I'm speaking about how to make a difference for animals and the earth without spending a lot of time at the Plant Power Virtual Summit 2021.
Stephanie Lentz, CEO of Scoop Marketplace, joins me to talk about zero waste stores, zero waste grocery, and bulk shopping in episode 44, For Animals For Earth podcast.
Being an eco warrior can be exhausting, but Ehud Sperling, founder and president of Inner Traditions International, shares inspiration to help us keep going in episode 43 of the For Animals. For Earth. podcast.
Affordable housing and pet rescue, Crossroads Campus, shares the healing power of human animal relationships in episode 42 of the For Animals For Earth podcast.
What is animal reiki when we let the animals lead? I cover this in a quick blog post and chat in episode 41 of the For Animals For Earth podcast.
Maho joins me to talk about farm animal protection in Japan. She specifically works to free egg laying hens from confinement for egg production through The Humane League Japan.
5 ideas for Earth Day activities that will only take you 10 minutes to plan. Episode 39, For Animals For Earth Podcast
This jewelry line is preserving the traditional craft of the Maasai people while providing a real, sustainable solution to wildlife conflict in Africa. Join me for my conversation with convener and curator, Kimber Leblicq.
How can we apply the UN Sustainable Development Goals to our personal lives? The UN website has a lot of great resources. To save you time, I've linked my favorite in this post.
5 Unique ways to connect with nature from our own home | For Animals For Earth podcast, episode 35
Volunteer with animals in Costa Rica. A chat with Vanessa Lizano, founder of Rescue Center Costa Rica in Alajuela. Episode 34 of the For Animals For Earth Podcast
Easy vegan and gluten free substitutes for your kitchen. For Animals For Earth
How can we easily find ethical and sustainable clothing? A conversation with Wearwell's co-founder Erin Houston. The For Animals For Earth Podcast, episode 32.
5 Ways to Donate to Local Animal Shelters, Without Spending a Penny
Wild animals are a lot like us. A behind the scenes chat with Christin Burford of CARE Foundation Florida. For Animals For Earth Podcast episode 30
Christin runs CARE Foundation, an exotic animals rescue and wildlife education center just north of Walt Disney World.
The ultimate list of 50 + online thrift stores to buy second hand or upcycled clothing. Good for the environment and good for your wallet.
Throughout our conversation, pit bull advocate, Laura Vena, pushes us to stop thinking of pit bulls as a “breed”, but to think of each one as a truly unique individual. Episode 27 of the For Animals For Earth Podcast
3 big changes coming to season 3 of the For Animals For Earth podcast

Season Two.

For Animals For Earth podcast - Season 2 Recap - Simple ideas to make a difference for animals and the earth with Brandy Heyde Montague
For Animals For Earth podcast - Season 1 Recap - Simple ideas to make a difference for animals and the earth with Brandy Heyde Montague
What does the future of shopping look like? We think it will be sustainable, ethical supply chains for every single product. Steve Brown from The Provenance Chain Network tells us why in this exclusive interview. | For Animals. For Earth. Podcast
Jason Bliss from the Sharing Insights Podcast joins me from Pérez Zeledón, Costa Rica to talk about permaculture, ecological impact centers, and living a life of impact. 
Jason Bliss from the Sharing Insights Podcast joins me from Pérez Zeledón, Costa Rica to talk about permaculture, ecological impact centers, and living a life of impact. 
A conversation with Stephanie Maslow Blackman of Metalicious Jewelry about how we can purchase sustainable jewelry, lessening our individual impact on the earth.
Eco friendly costumes with Katie Miles and Rachel Jones of Hijinks Costumes. They make durable costumes that will last for many years from natural, biodegradable and recyclable fabrics, often coming from deadstock that would otherwise be in a landfill. Hear their story in episode 19 of the For Animals. For Earth. podcast.
Second hand stores for free with Trade Closet from Diana Kohne. Women can trade clothing, handbags, and shoes, rather than purchasing something new. Diana tells us about this on the For Animals For Earth Podcast in episode 18.
Ame and I go behind the scenes of wildlife rescue, rehabilitating and releasing animals back into the wild on her farm in Kentucky. On the For Animals For Earth Podcast with Ame Vanorio of Fox Run Environmental Education Center.
Ame and I go behind the scenes of wildlife rescue, rehabilitating and releasing animals back into the wild on her farm in Kentucky. On the For Animals For Earth Podcast with Ame Vanorio of Fox Run Environmental Education Center.
Ethically sourced crystals with Nicholas Pearson. How can we find crystals that are mined ethically, conscious of the earth and the miners involved? Nicholas shares his perspective in episode 15 of the For Animals For Earth Podcast.
Charlotte can talk horse.  Seriously!  She is an animal communicator and medium who spends a lot of time talking to horses. In episode 14, she tells me all about how her life shaped the way she advocates for horses today through her business and online community, Hearthorse. Available in episode 14 of the For Animals For Earth Podcast
Sound bath music is medicine. It can heal our bodies and awaken our souls. Learn more with Ada & Nathan of Wakes in episode 13 of the For Animals For Earth Podcast.

Season One.

Purchasing artisan foods helps us to eat consciously, connecting our minds and bodies to our food, to the earth, and to each other. Julie from Julie's Beet joins us in episode 11 of the For Animals For Earth Podcast
Learn how to help animal shelters with Dr. Monisha Seth of Franklins Friends in episode 10 of the For Animals For Earth Podcast
Compassion toward every living being, as displayed through the Mother-Child Project of Katherine Katsenis of Panos Productions Photography. From episode 9 of the For Animals For Earth Podcast
Fight cystic acne with Skin Society nontoxic spot care. Learn more about the treatment in episode 8 of the For Animals For Earth Podcast.
Marissa de la Torre talks to us about becoming an animal shelter volunteer in episode 7 of the For Animals For Earth Podcast | For Animals For Earth
Patti Andrasak from Inner Peace Reiki teaches us how to help monarch butterflies on the For Animals For Earth Podcast.
Free 5 Day Clean Beauty Challenge with Paige Padgett from Erthling. Listen to Paige on the For Animals For Earth Podcast | For Animals For Earth
A chat about green beauty with Paige Padgett on the For Animals For Earth Podcast. Episodes 3, 4 and 5. In episode 4, we talk about natural ways to combat anti aging. | For Animals For Earth
A chat about green beauty with Paige Padgett on the For Animals For Earth Podcast. Episodes 3, 4 and 5. In episode 3, we talk about looking up products with the EWG and Skin Carisma to see how they are for the environment and our bodies. | For Animals For Earth
Sustainability, Fast Fashion & the Future with Laura Choi from Fashion for Conservation. On the For Animals For Earth Podcast, episode 2.
Organic foods improve health and nutrition. Grow your own food in the earth with Brooke Freeman on episode 1 of the For Animals For Earth Podcast.
Welcome to the For Animals For Earth podcast, a podcast for busy people to find simple ways to make a difference for either animals, or the earth. | For Animals For Earth

Episode 00. Show Notes (none)

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