Christin takes me behind the scenes to talk about a few wild animals she has in her life. And what they have taught her about various species.
She runs The CARE Foundation, an exotic animal rescue, and wildlife education center near Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
Christin lives on CARE’s property with more than 200 wild animals. She tells us how each of those animals has a unique personality, and she knows each of them very well.
In today’s episode, Christin introduces us to:
- Famous Amos, the spider monkey
- Blonde, and other snakes and reptiles
- Chimera, the liliger (2 parts lion, 1 part tiger)
- Katrina and Tyrian, tigers
You can support Christin and CARE Foundation by visiting on a tour, donating money and products (scroll down on home page), or following and sharing on social media.
This episode is a bonus episode to my main interview with Christin. You can find that in episode 29.
6 Simple Ideas To Make a Difference:
1. DO NOT BUY FUR. These wild animals are kept in horrible conditions and suffer unnecessarily. There are cruelty free fur alternatives.
2. AVOID PRODUCTS MADE FROM OR TESTED ON ANIMALS. Products are still tested on animals. Check how things are made before buying any product.
3. CREATE A WILL FOR OUR PETS. Choose someone to take custody, and verify that he or she is willing and prepared to do so.
4. BUY ONE, GET ONE FOR DONATIONS. In a BOGO, buy one, and give the extra item to our local sanctuary.
5. SCHEDULE A MONTHLY DONATION. Try adding ongoing support for our local sanctuary by scheduling a financial, food, or supply donation each month.
6. VISIT WILD ANIMALS SANCTUARIES WHEN TRAVELING. When we travel to new destinations, find a local animal sanctuary to visit. We get to see wild animals in a safe, loving environment. And the sanctuary gets much needed financial support.
Podcast Transcript:
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Brandy Montague 0:01
Welcome to episode number 30 of the For Animals For Earth podcast, this is a bonus episode two episode number 29. The title is Exotic Animals: They’re a lot like us
Christin Burford 0:13
I’d be so upset everything and I’d go to feed her, and right away she could read that I was upset and that would put her into a defensive mode. And then she would start stomping the floor or just, you know, go into a situation where I can’t walk in and feed you now because I’ve made you upset because of my being upset.
Brandy Montague 0:32
That was Christin Burford founder of the care Foundation, that’s an exotic animal rescue and wildlife Education Center located just north of Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. If you haven’t heard already Episode Number 29 was my full interview with Christin, I hope you’ll check that out.
Brandy Montague 0:51
So today’s bonus episode is a little bit of a dive into some of the wild animals that she lives there with. this is super cool because we get a special glimpse into their unique personalities and how a lot of things about them, are similar to us. I think you’ll be really fascinated and intrigued by this, so for the video of our interview, any important links, and the full show notes go to for animals for
Brandy Montague 1:23
Hi there this is Brandy and you’re listening to the for animals for Earth podcast. This is a space where we inspire each other to take small steps every day to live a more conscious life, helping animals, and the planet, while we do it. I’m so glad that you’re here. Let’s all take a deep breath and let’s get started.
Brandy Montague 1:49
There are so many things about wild animals that are so similar to us as humans, and a lot of times, outside of you know, dogs and cats mostly we don’t have a lot of that interaction. And so it’s easy to sometimes kind of bucket wild animals in a certain way without necessarily thinking of personality and thinking of their unique characteristics that make them a very unique being, just like every single one of us are. And I think then that causes just kind of different behaviors such as purchasing fur because you’re, you’re detached from it or something that’s tested on an animal because it’s like well, it just has to happen, you know. Because we’re not that familiar with those wild animals and so I thought maybe we could talk today just about a few different wild animals that you help, and I’m thinking of just hitting three questions on, on each of them which is one cool thing about this type of animal that we probably don’t know, why this type of animal needs our help, and how we can help.
Christin Burford 2:56
Okay, so are you gonna tell me which wild animals?
Brandy Montague 2:58
yeah you know what, I’ll prompt you with a couple and then there’s others that you want to cover, we can do that because you know better than me. But one that I thought would be really cool to start with is monkeys, because Amos
Christin Burford 3:13
Amos, oh my god, did you hear him. No, he, he lives in the house at night and he comes in for dinner, he was out all day. I said his name and he just made his happy noise.
Brandy Montague 3:31
I love it
Christin Burford 3:32
I’ll see it again, Famous Amos. Did you hear that? He was playing so all the way in the other room. Yeah. Oh, reactionary as you can tell, that’s one thing about him. So, you want to know about Amos.
Brandy Montague 3:52
yeah you know because I feel like honestly he seems like a best friend to you, and I feel like you spend so much time with him and having him as, you know, a best friend I feel like you have probably seen so much more about his species than you know 99.99% of winter like what being so close to him has taught you about monkeys.
Christin Burford 4:20
Never underestimate him. Honestly, I never worked spider monkeys before he came in, he came in as one of the original ones in a horrifying situation. The reason why he comes in every night is because he came from a couple that passed away. He was actually attached to the dead woman. His mom.
Christin Burford 4:43
When he first came in, off and on for about a year over a year really, he was having nightmares. So, the other monkeys, all the monkeys when we first take them in stay in my house for about two months. we had to rig it up because they, they were scared to death to be outside. The three little monkeys were in bird cages, and then Amos had a big bird cage. And yeah, Amos had nightmares and I’d have to get up and rock him. He’s genuinely like a toddler.
Christin Burford 5:17
And so, my one veterinarian has spider monkey so when he came in. I’m like, how is this different from the capuchins? I’m used to working within everything and then she kind of left and she said you’ll find out, like Great, great. So, what I did find out was. He does. He watches TV I have a couple monkeys that actually watch TV, he’ll come in at dinner time in the daytime, we actually take him outside we let him choose which monkeys he wants to hang out with. We can physically let him walk to wherever he wants for the day and then at night he comes in has dinner and watches TV.
Christin Burford 5:56
And a lot of times, he’ll be loose just hanging out with me wearing his diaper and everything. But Amos, unlike the other monkeys understands human emotion on TV. So we have to actually like PG his TV shows. I first found that out when I was watching, I think it was. I think it was the closer, the TV show about the detector the police. They were chasing this one girl, and they surrounded her she was on drugs and she was flipping out and Amos got upset because they were surrounding her, he actually got up and started, he was in his cage at the time, shaking the cage shaking his head and growling. It’s the first time I’ve seen him ever do that. And ever since then it’s like if somebody cries on TV, he’ll start to cry. I mean he actually genuinely understands it.
Christin Burford 6:51
If somebody does something good one of his all time favorite shows his master chef jr with Chef Ramsay and the kids. Oh my god, I’ll be in the other room and if he does something good. He gets excited he makes us happy noises. What’s really funny like really funny is he loves Chef Ramsay, and if anybody else yells at somebody on TV. He’ll growl and shake his head. If Chef Ramsay does it, there’s no reaction, like he knows the people are being stupid. So it’s really interesting working with Amos because he does understand things.
Christin Burford 7:24
like he’ll disappear to the kitchen, and he knows if he brings something to me he can either have it or he can have all trade on he one time, grab something, and hid it from me. And he, he was not pleased I took it away, I put them away I locked them down and everything from that one time he learned that if he was open with it, then he can get some really get a tree. But if he tried to hide it. It’s nothing. It’s all bad. So yeah he actually is, is very smart about stuff like that.
Christin Burford 8:00
And you can give him a magazine or a book. If you give him something new, he’s never seen before. he will go page by page, and I’ve actually seen him use his fingernail to separate pages so he doesn’t miss a page. So he’s, he’s like having a small child around, so that’s that I had to totally adjust my life, you know, because the first week I had him I could barely even put him down. And that’s why we call him famous, famous because the situation was so horrific it got media attention, and then everybody wanted to come see how the monkeys were doing. And he was like the focal point since you know he was so attached, you know, he just latched on to me as his new mom so, yeah.
Christin Burford 8:41
and now all the volunteers are his aunts and uncles he’ll give him a hug and happy noise when he sees them so yeah he goes out to dinner all the time with all the volunteers like most of the volunteers come in on Sunday and we’ll take him out to dinner with us and he’s the best behave. Even the waitresses say they’ve had kids that were just horrible and Amos is so well behaved.
Brandy Montague 9:07
gosh that’s amazing. That’s amazing. So, you know, obviously for his situation, you know, and he, he needed help because he came out of a situation. What would you say is the best way that people can help monkeys in, you know, I, he’s a spider monkey. I know we’ve talked about like other types of monkeys, you know what, why do they need our help and what could we do.
Christin Burford 9:32
Yeah, the biggest thing right now is the rain force the slashing and burning of rain forests there’s, there’s no reason for it. A lot of that has been done for logging, which we can log other places. And a lot of it is for farmland and everything, a lot of the beef, that you find in your stores in the United States, comes from other countries, a lot of it it’s it’s crazy. When we have so many farmers here in the United States. So yeah, they, they slash and burn for their cattle, and with no regard to the wild animals living there so that’s a lot of the problems right now is we have to make a stand and protect the rain force, quite simply, you know, and that that helps all the wild animals. At that point. So, that’s the big thing, you know, protecting the reinforce any way you can. So,
Brandy Montague 10:26
yeah. Yeah, I think that’s great and there’s willing to you know a couple of different places that you can go on to help people that are on foot, in these places trying to protect their own forests and then I would imagine I’m not a meat eater but I imagine you can buy local meat, is that always
Christin Burford 10:45
yeah I mean I don’t eat red meat right now or pork. But, um, yeah, there’s places that actually have the organically fed animals that free range of like I only buy eggs that are free roaming free ranging eggs, or chickens. So yeah, you can you can look at the products and the labeling says are right they’re if they’re free ranging there’s cattle that’s free ranging that’s, you know, treated differently than the farm raised you know the typical horm res ones. So yeah, I encourage people to to look at what they’re eating and help the ones that are actually, you know, treating their animals really well. Basically,
Brandy Montague 11:25
perfect. Yeah. Yeah, that’s great and that actually helps them local economy, and stuff like that too so, really good. Yeah. How about snakes. So I know that you are passionate about snakes in something that I have just noticed on Instagram that I find very interesting is you will know a specific personality, for each one of the snakes that you work with which I don’t know that I ever really thought about that. Prior to, you know, I always think every animal is so unique, but I don’t know I guess I didn’t think much about it was snakes but are. And so what can you share that you’ve learned from the different snakes that you’ve seen that we may not know.
Christin Burford 12:13
I don’t even know where to start with that really. If your hand raised a snake and you treat it well and you keep it healthy. Most snakes can be a really good pet. I’ve had, I have an albino Burmese python I can hand off to children I mean, he’s huge, but I could sit on picnic tables and wrapped it around them and everything, and I’ve had a lot of people say oh Burmese are all nasty and all that no they’re not this one was hand raised and, and I handled it when it came in a lot. And, yeah, so it depends on how they’re raised and all that. there are species just like dogs just like anything else. The certain species that tend to be a little more aggressive and everything.
Christin Burford 12:54
For instance anacondas I had an anaconda. That was the most amazing snake, I another one that I could hand off to anybody. And typically anacondas are very aggressive. But I can raise that snake I worked with it every day, it never tried to bite, even in a feeding response I could feed it and it would grab the food and and never try to grab me. So, yeah, they do have personalities. I have snakes that I had one oh my god I had one Cobra, that he I had one person I was training to work the venomous. And this Cobra was like the easiest going Cobra I’ve ever seen just a big puppy dog and all, but for some reason it read that the guy was nervous and all and would give the guy a hard time every single time. So, they do have personalities, even, even reptiles cold blooded reptiles have personalities. So it’s just getting to know you know because I have so many wild animals, and that I don’t know how they’ve been raised or whatever. I have to be careful at first and I have to evaluate it on the personality I’m seeing, and then figure out. Is it because of the way it was handled is it not healthy.
Christin Burford 14:05
You know there’s a lot that goes into it, especially with reptiles reptiles are tough because you might not see an obvious situation with the big cats too. You have to watch them because in the wild it’s survival of the fittest, and sick ones, can, can mask that they’re sick for quite a long time until it gets to the critical point. And so that’s one thing why I’m so hands on with our wild animals here, I can walk out and look at any one of my animals and see if it’s just not right, and figure it out, I can usually catch if something sick right away. But it’s because I know these animals. So, how
Brandy Montague 14:46
Wow, that’s really interesting and it you know and it makes me Just think of, kind of like us as human beings, you know like we all have all this stuff that’s underneath the surface, from our years of, you know, stuff. It’s interesting how. Same thing with the wild animals like I, you know, I’m just picturing like an alligators somewhere where they maybe have gone through and has formed into who they are today.
Christin Burford 15:14
Exactly. They’re just like people in that regard. If you’ve been treated badly oh yeah you’re not gonna trust people. So, and that’s something I have to I’ve had to work with, with several of the wild animals. So, that’s why. And that’s also another thing too, if you’re going to run a place like mine and have the volunteers and all that. Sometimes, pardon the expression, but you have to put aside. If you’re having a bad day and all but you have to go work a specific animal, you got to put yourself in the right frame of mind.
Christin Burford 15:43
There have been times my bear super sensitive. There have been times when I’ve been upset. It’s usually at my ex, believe it or not my ex. I’d be so upset and everything and I go to feed her. And right away she could read that I was upset and that would put her into a defensive mode. And then she would start stomping the floor or just, you know, go into a situation where I can’t walk in and feed you now because I’ve made you upset because of my being upset. And so, I learned very quickly, you got to just, you know, focus on what’s going on at the moment. Forget everything else, and just, you know, deal with your own stuff. In addition to dealing with our stuff. So
Brandy Montague 16:25
it’s a pretty amazing. I think skill probably to learn in life, to be able to really be present, and be able to. Yeah, imagine it is, I cannot imagine it also,
Christin Burford 16:39
this, this is another thing, it brings it up. If you get grabbed by an animal, like I’ve worked big cats, most of my life. You get grabbed by a big cat You better not freak out, that’ll just for that animal to make it a worse situation. So that’s one of the hardest things you have to teach other people is you have to you have to not react, even though you’re getting that adrenaline dump and everything. You got to just be as calm as possible to get yourself out of that situation, and the calmer you are, the more calm that wild animals going to be, but if you start getting worked up that animal is going to feed into it and that’s just going to work it up more. So that’s one of the situations when you’re dealing with wild animals you got to. You got to get that that locked down you got to figure out how you’re going to deal with a situation, if it occurs.
Brandy Montague 17:29
I feel like that’s a really good tip for all of us for any type of interaction, you know with any, any animals you maybe don’t notice it as much with domestic but it’s the same thing, but then owl Yeah. Any, any type of wildlife when we have an interaction if we can bring ourselves to the present, you know, use our breath whatever call it. Yeah, it would make a big difference. What would you say is a way that we could help snakes and other reptiles.
Christin Burford 18:01
Basically just respect them. They’re here, they have to share the same planet as us. They were here before us. For instance, I’ve had. One of the things I do, is I’m on call by different counties in case they have a snake call. If I have the time, if it’s a venomous snake I will go and pick it up and remove it from the situation. Most of the time it’s not people are freaking out, saying I’ve got a rattlesnake and something of corn snakes something simple like that. But understand if you’ve got snakes in your yard, they’re not going to stick around if there’s not a food source. So I’ve actually turned that around on people saying, you know, if you see the snake all the time. You must have rats or mice or whatever because it’s not going to stick around if it’s got nothing to eat. So take us a hint that you’ve got another problem, other than just a snake hanging out in your yard.
Christin Burford 18:55
So the animals can teach us something by just being around. Yeah, snakes can be scary to some people and everything but if you keep your distance, they’re not going to chase you down to bite you. So just just understand that and keep your distance and, yeah, that’s, that’s basically it. type of reptile because in Florida, we have, you know, I was just down south yesterday, and he was they were laughing at me because there was wild iguanas right there on the canal, and it’s it’s crazy because I’ve got no one has but I still think it’s cool, even though they don’t belong there. It’s still cool. I love alligators. I’ve got alligators but I love seeing them in the wild and everything. But yeah, respecting respecting where they are and how they, they act and, you know, you don’t have to kill something just because you don’t understand it or don’t like it. there’s usually a reason that it’s there.
Brandy Montague 19:49
Yeah that’s that’s great, that’s great. What other wild animals, would you like to highlight.
Christin Burford 20:00
I know you want to talk big cats. Sure, yeah. Take your pick.
Brandy Montague 20:06
Well, tell me what a liliger, I mean I know because I’ve heard this from you but what is a lie, because that’ll be interesting for people.
Christin Burford 20:14
Yeah, basically. And this is what I kid about people call him liger and I’m like no everybody’s got a liger. I’ve got a liliger. Chimera is actually what I called the unicorn of big cats. he’s not supposed to exist. His dad was a lion. His mom was a half lion half tiger. It was thought that the ligers couldn’t reproduce. And here I know Chimera has a brother in I believe it’s Illinois. So yeah, his, his mom reproduce and he’s two parts lion one part tiger.
Christin Burford 20:49
So, we, we have no idea how big he’s gonna get. I’m thinking he’s gonna hit 900 pounds, easy, based on his growth rate so far. Yeah, he’s, he’s a very cool he’s mainly like a lion. But he does, he likes the water which is more of a tiger thing, but we had to teach him that too. He didn’t know he liked the water until a bunch of us went in the pool. And one of his best buddies is we call her the sister. It’s one of our Tigers they hang out together and if she’s in the pool. A lot of times, he’ll want to go in the pool and all. So it’s it’s kind of the best of both worlds but yeah he is going to be a big big boy, for sure.
Christin Burford 21:30
And getting his mane in we don’t know how big his mane is but he’s getting his mohawk is now real wide where it was like this little tiny thing and I kid I say he’s going to pretty soon have a Donald Trump comb over, as it’s starting to get long. So yeah, he’s just a really unique animal and we’re very fortunate that he does have more the lion personality which is very social. They’re socially dominant as far as as wild animals go. So they like to have the way he’s got his pride of people and his one Tiger as a part of his pride so yeah he’s he’s a very cool animal very smart. Very cool animal to work with kind of clumsy but that’s because he’s growing so fast. He is a sweetheart, most of all,
Brandy Montague 22:19
it’s so adorable and I love how you say he’s got his pride of people, because that’s the reality of his unique life.
Christin Burford 22:26
And I’ve had I’ve had, I had this old USDA officer oh my gosh, but he’s like you better not be going in with him when he’s bigger he’s going to kill you and everything. and, you know, I’ve worked with because long enough to know what I can do what I can’t do and yeah accidents happen for sure accidents happen but yeah he’s, him being aggressive, the most deadly thing on that chat is his tail. To be honest, and that sounds funny, but he was raised in the house first thing I taught him was no bite no claws, so we can literally put our whole hand or arm in his mouth and he won’t bite down. He’s never used his claws on us very well behaved in that regard. But yeah he runs around like like you know how puppies run around with their tails off and wagging it all, he’ll do that but his tail is huge. And he’s actually. He actually split my lip one time, gave somebody a bloody nose gave somebody a black eye about knock somebody out and. So yeah, when you, when you watch us and William Royce kind of holding his tail and watching his tail, which is really funny considering he’s a carnivore a big cat so he’s going to coolest little personality the coolest sweetest goofy personality.
Brandy Montague 23:38
It’s amazing. It’s amazing and you know it’s interesting because he’s only that way because he, his life is so unique how he’s like grown up with you you know so it’s like, I think a lot of times we see a situation like how comfortable the cats are with you and how comfortable you are with the cats and it’s easy to think well that’s, that’s a norm like they’re so sweet and cuddly just like our, you know, I mean, our home cats aren’t sweet and cuddly but you know you just get this like view that there’s somehow sweet and cuddly but like they aren’t at all you know it’s it’s like the. It’s a very unique situation so I’m just thinking I want to point that out that like your situation is very unique it’s not the norm for big cats and comfortable.
Christin Burford 24:22
Right. And, like I said accidents do happen we have to watch you know we have certain things we watch for and everything. We have a tiger named tyrian, that was originally raised in the house to raise the same way and all he had before I got him he had something extremely bad happened to him I don’t know what it is, but there was an incident in the house where he was sitting one time, and I’ve got like an island in my kitchen, like you can walk around but you can’t really see around the corner. And one time I came around the corner did not know he was sitting there, that little cub went into full on wildness, and held it for a while. I’ve worked a lot of big cats, I have never seen a cat that young go full on wild and then hold it as long as he did. And I told my boyfriend at the time I said he’s going to be the one to watch he’s going to kill somebody. And sure enough, as he got older, he transitioned out of the house into his big area for a while.
Christin Burford 25:25
My boyfriend I were going in with him I had a couple other volunteers that were going in with him. but we noticed he was, he was trying to control his wildness his wild side, but he go back and forth really quick, it would it would zip zip zip back and forth like he was really trying to be good. But for some reason, he the wildness would come out, so I had to call and say nobody in with him ever again. It’s just too much of a risk. So even though he was raised, the same way as I raised Chimera and the other Tiger who’s an absolute sweetheart well behaved. It’s something that happened to him before us that he couldn’t fully get past. So, you have to take that into consideration to, no matter.
Christin Burford 26:07
I’ve heard people say well if you raise them with love and care and nothing will happen, they’ll love you and I’ll know the why there’s still a wild animal, there is a chance the wildness will come out, you throw a big piece of steak down in front of a tiger, no matter how you raised them that Tiger is going to go off, that’s just what they do. So luckily Chimera the liliger, the only time we ever see him get possessive is over a deer torso, like I can walk in hand him a deer leg, hand him a deer neck. He’s fine, the torso, makes him, absolutely wild. So, and that’s something we know so when we get a deer in fact fishing game dropped off a deer yesterday that I’m going to be butchering out. Once I butcher that out and all, before I bring that up there. He’s going out in this big play area, and then I’ll bring the torso in, and then let them in. So, yeah, it’s a whole different thing but yeah it’s not just how you raised them that. That means a lot but it’s also whatever happened to them before you got them.
Christin Burford 27:06
And, yeah, just knowing the animal, it’s still wild. And monkeys, a monkey can go off at any time and you might not even know why it’s going off, so it’s just something that you need to be prepared to deal with if you’re going to get that kind of animal.
Brandy Montague 27:22
Fascinating. It really is. It’s
Christin Burford 27:25
Never boring at my place.
Brandy Montague 27:26
No, you know and like you mentioned you have so many different kinds of wild animals that yeah it’s just really, I just want to encourage everybody to go to your website, go to your Instagram page. The website is at care foundation Florida. Okay you say it, because I’m gonna mess up
Christin Burford 27:44
the website is The Care Foundation all one Yeah, and that’s actually we just redid it and it’s actually still being built in fact I’ve got a meeting about that Friday. So we’re missing a lot of things on there. But yeah, so keep going back and checking because there’s going to be changes we’re adding to it.
Christin Burford 28:05
So and I came up with a friend of mine, helped me with a video. When you open it. It’s really cool. I’m a big 6am fan, the band 6am. And ever since I heard this one song I envisioned a video for it. And that’s what we have on the opening, and it’s our tigers and Chimera the liliger out playing and everything it’s really cool so definitely click on the music part and and watch that because you’ll be amazed at how these Tigers can move and how they are out in the big play area. So that’s definitely check that out. That’s really easy. I do the Instagram and we talked about that in the broadcast, I have a lot of fun with that so you get to see a lot of things that most people don’t get to see because I live on property and I know all the animals so well. Uh huh.
Brandy Montague 28:55
Yeah, that’s so true and that one you can find at care foundation Florida on Instagram, we’ll have links to everything. You have a YouTube channel as well, right, actually,
Christin Burford 29:05
ironically, we just started one. A friend of mine, actually, I don’t know if you follow monkey boo on Instagram. Does that sound familiar to you?
Brandy Montague 29:14
Christin Burford 29:15
we are now officially a part of the monkey boo crew. Okay, it’s a monkey that he’s a YouTube and Instagram celebrity you might say, and his owner and I started talking and we got to be good friends. And in fact, hopefully in a week or so, they’re going to be coming down. Pete the guy that owns them has a just bought a mobile home like a Winnebago I’m calling it the Winnebago, so he’ll, he’ll actually be bringing the three monkeys he’s, he owns three monkeys himself and then his friend has all leave the monkey, but they’ll be coming down spending time with us and he just started doing our YouTube channel.
Christin Burford 29:55
So, yeah, you can check that out now because we’re actually getting that going and while he’s here we’re going to be shooting a lot of video and doing interviews and stuff like that, sharing experiences because yeah he’s been all over the place with monkey boo and monkey boo is hilarious. I mean, there’s, there’s one video he put up of aim is having a picnic with monkey boo. And it happens fast but if you watch it it is so funny. This is what I’m talking about the different personalities of monkeys and all the picnic was going great. And then, Pete offered out of Monkey booze lunchbox offered a miss something, I don’t remember what it was, but it was a piece of food and monkey boo got ticked off, and actually picked up one tomato and threw it in a mess. And then he got then monkey boo just to make it worse towards pee got in my lap and cuddled with me. So, the video is hilarious. I mean, I was sitting there and I didn’t, I didn’t catch as fast as it happened. I didn’t realize, boo actually threw the tomato at Amos I just saw, you know, all of a sudden, but it was hilarious so yeah check out the YouTube channel too. So so funny.
Brandy Montague 31:07
Oh my gosh, so many good places for people to go so we’ll have everything linked. Thank you so much thank you so much for taking the time to share all of this with us, I think, you know, it’s just it’s really neat to get a glimpse into your life there you know and I hope if people are listening to the bonus episode, I hope you’ll go back and listen to the beginning of the original episode because in there we talk about ways that you can go and visit Christin’s property and support her and also get to see all of these wild animals that we’re describing. It’s, it’s just such a great opportunity to be able to get a glimpse into your life and into those animals lives today as well as to be able to visit you. So, I hope people will take you up on it on the offer to come there and visit.
Christin Burford 31:56
Thank you so much, and word of mouth means a lot to us so yeah everybody is so just pass on the information, anybody that’s an animal that loves animals, definitely check out our stuff out and, and we support other groups too as we were talking about in the podcast I’ve got my sister sanctuaries and all that. So, yeah, we all help each other and check everybody out a lot of fun.
Brandy Montague 32:21
And that’s all for today, thank you so much for tuning in and listening and for supporting the show. If you’re up for it ratings and reviews are really helping us right now as a new show, you can do those if you listen on Apple or on Stitcher. Otherwise, the best thing you can do to help is to tell a friend. I really appreciate your help and helping us grow this community.
Brandy Montague 32:44
Remember that you can always join me live for interviews at for animals for slash live just check out that link to see when the next one is scheduled. And if you want to get in touch with me personally, I’d love to hear from you. Come say hi, you can DM me on Instagram at for animals for Earth. Okay. Until next time, bye.
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About Christin:
Christin has worked with and cared for animals all of her life. She started working with large predators as the personal assistant to a big cat trainer in 1985. She worked hands-on with lions, tigers, pumas, and leopards. Over the years, she ran various wildlife experiences, and was as a consultant and trainer, with a focus on helping handle animals with special behavioral issues and needs.
She started a wildlife education program nearly 30 years ago to teach children and adults about the value and importance of native Florida wildlife. And that program is still in operation today. She now provides a permanent home for non-releasable exotic & wild animals through her nonprofit: The CARE Foundation.
Contact Christin:
The best way to reach Christin to learn about wild animals is via phone or text at 407.247.8948.
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- Instagram: @CareFoundationFlorida
- Facebook: @CAREFoundationFlorida
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